Terms of Use

End User License Agreement

This agreement outlines the licensed rights of the individual or organization (THE LICENSEE) that has purchased the stock audio pack (THE MUSIC PACK) from the copyright holder, David Gomez Comino aka Carxofa Music. (THE LICENSOR). This agreement intends to provide clear information on how the pack can be used, restrictions on its use, and the basic license terms under which it is offered.

Rights Granted

The licensee is granted a NON-EXCLUSIVE, NON-TRANSFERABLE, WORLDWIDE SYNCHRONISATION LICENSE and MASTER USE LICENSE to use the audio recordings inside THE MUSIC PACK in synchronization with a video game, film, or other media project including commercial projects MULTIPLE TIMES and IN PERPETUITY. This allows the licensee to:

Use THE MUSIC PACK in synchronization with a video game, film, podcast episode, or similar media project where THE MUSIC PACK accompanies visual images (e.g. placing the THE MUSIC PACK as background audio in a game) or audio recording (e.g. placing the audio in a podcast episode).

Edit the provided recordings to fit specific requirements, such as trimming or compressing, as well as create derivative works from THE MUSIC PACK audio.

Use audio from THE MUSIC PACK multiple times, in multiple projects without further payment or fee to the licensee without expiration to the license which is applicable perpetually.


The licensee may not re-sell (modifying or repackaging any sounds), re-license, share, make available for download, and/or give unsynchronized music to any third party as a part of different multimedia templates (e.g. website templates, game templates, video templates, slideshow templates, including but not limited to in toys, product design, greeting cards, ringtones, applications such as soundboards, hardware devices, media authoring tools, etc.) or otherwise distribute THE MUSIC PACK or any of its contents as a standalone audio product, audio service, sample or stock audio, or as an accompanying soundtrack product to a project.

The licensee may not assume permission to make new “copyrighted musical works” based on any contents of the music library; claim ownership of any of the item on Carxofa Music, even if you edited or processed the music or sound effects to make them sound completely different from the original, the copyright still belongs to Carxofa Music.

The licensee may not assume permission to include the music and sound effects in different types of music compilations, such as music compilation CDs, DVDs, music albums, Game OST, where the music or sound effects are stand-alone elements

The licensee may not assume permission to identify the licensor as a supporter or advocate of the project in which audio from THE MUSIC PACK is used without consent from the licensor. This agreement has been created to clarify the permitted use of the pack given its purpose as a video game stock audio library. If a specific use of the pack is not clearly permitted in this agreement or is not reasonably suggested through its language and context then it should be assumed that such activity is not permitted without prior permission from the licensor which will not be unreasonably withheld. No use of the pack is permitted that violates local or international laws or otherwise constitutes illegal activity.


This agreement does not cover use of the pack to create an accompanying soundtrack product (e.g. a video game’s soundtrackalbum sold on Apple Music, Spotify, or Steam).

Permission to use THE MUSIC PACK audio contents in an accompanying soundtrack product can be obtained with the licensor’s permission. It should not be assumed that such permission will be granted.

Permission to use THE MUSIC PACK or its content will be provided in the form of a publishing agreement, separate to this agreement, that will allow distribution of THE PACK and its contents.


Copyright of the THE MUSIC PACK audio and all associated rights shall remain the ownership of the licensor, David Gomez Comino aka Carxofa Music. No part of this transaction constitutes a transfer of ownership or copyright of THE MUSIC PACK and, as such, the licensee must not engage in any activity that would otherwise only be permitted by the copyright holder of the THE MUSIC PACK or its audio contents. Such restricted activities include, but are not limited to, registering audio from THE MUSIC PACK with royalty collection agencies, content ID systems, publishing as stock audio, and distributing or claiming ownership.


All pay-per-track transactions on Carxofa Music are final and are not refundable in whole or in part regardless of the payment method unless Carxofa Music refuses the sale or there has been an error during a purchase.

Clarification & Acceptance of Terms

By purchasing and using THE MUSIC PACK, the licensee understands and accepts the terms of this license agreement and the established copyright and licensing terms to which it relates. If this agreement cannot provide adequate authority of the licenses granted, the licensor will, to all reasonable effort, assist the licensee in providing acceptable proof of this agreement.

Carxofa (aka David Gomez Comino) at Carxofa Music
